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Report No.

Filtration behavior of organic substance through a compacted bentonite

not registered; Yui, Mikazu; not registered

Filtration behavior of organic substance through a compacted bentonite was investigated. Na-type bentonite containing 30wt% of quartz sand was compacted in a column and the dry density was adjusted to be 1.6 g/cm$$^{3}$$. Polyacrylic acid solution (including three types of polyacrynclic acid, average molecular weight 2,100, 15,000 and 450,000) was prepared and was passed through the compacted bentonite. Molecular weight distributions of polyacrylic acid in the effluent solution were analysed by GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography). A batch type experiment was also carried out in order to examine a sorption behavior of these organic substances onto the surfaces of grains of the bentonite. The results indicated that the smaller size polyacrylic acid (molecular weight $$<$$ 100,000) was passed through the compacted bentonite. On the other hand, the larger size polyacrylic acid (molecular weight $$geqq$$ 100,000) was mostly filtrated by the compacted bentonite. The batch type sorption tests clarified that the polyacrylic acid did not sorb onto the surfaces of minerals constituting the bentonite. Therefore it was suggested that the larger size molecules ($$geqq$$ 100,000) of organic substances could be predominantly filtrated by the microstructure of the compacted bentonite.



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