Evaluation of pressure transient of the facility by FIRAC code
Kosaka, Ichiro; Nojiri, Ichiro; Yamanouchi, Takamichi
For the purpuse of the analysis the loss of the containment of the gas, the pressure transients had been caluculated, using FIRAC Code, caused by the first fire incident in the Bitiminization filling cell, R152, and by the corst down of the cell exhaustion, limited operation of the ventilation system, begining at 1006, 11th, March, 1997. The FIRAC Code calculates the pressure and temperature of the cell and ventilation system at the fire incident. The all of the facility was modeled in the calculations. The heat generation rate and other unknown terms were taken into as the caluculational parameters, and the process of the incident were evaluated by attention to the different results by each parameter. In the results, the constraction of the ventilation system affected the process of the fire incident, and in the case taking account of exhausting to Z-facility, abnormal reverse flow occurred in the system.