Study on evaluation of uncertainty due to geological environment
Ijiri, Yuji*; Hattori, Hiromichi*; Suzuki, Shunichi*; Oishi, Masaya*; Kubota, Shigeru*; Adachi, Tetsuya*; Yamamoto, Takuya*
The evaluation of uncertainty of geological environment is a key issue in assessing a performance of a deep geological disposal system for high-level nuclear waste. The geological environment uncertainty is arose from data obtained from surveys and model used for a performance assessment.The objectives of this study is to develop a rational planning methodology of site characterization using the Horonobe site as a model case, and to establish a modeling methodology using the Tono site as a model case. At the Horonobe site, first, a conceptual model is constructed based on the information at every stage of site characterization procedure. A sensitivity analysis is performed using various conceptual models and data. If conceptual models uncertainty have a great impact on the result of performance assessment analysis, surveys that detect the most appropriate conceptual model are conducted in the next stage of site characterization. If data uncertainty have a great impact on the result of performance assessment analysis, surveys that decrease the data uncertainty are conducted. Thus, a rational site characterization methodology in which the most sensitive items are preferentially detected in the next stage of site characterization is developed. This concept of a rational site characterization methodology is described in this report. In addition, preliminary conceptual model is developed based on geological information around Horonobe site, and data uncertainty for the sensitivity analysis which will be conducted in next year is investigated. At the Tono site, literature on model uncertainty is surveyed, and data obtained at the Tono site is reviewed from modeling point of view.