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Report No.

Characteristic assessment of colloids present in groundwater

Ueta, Shinzo*; not registered

Specific data will be collected in process which is considered essential factors of repository after make selection of predetermined repository. Examination of the role is necessary to collect for characteristic data of nature colloids in groundwater from viewpoint of safety assessment. In this study aimed at type and concentration of groundwater colloid relevant to colloid character to safety assessment, investigation of methods for collecting colloid data and verification of the methods carried out by using natural groundwater. (1)Examination on sampling and character assessment of groundwater colloids Sampling methods of groundwater were examined to collect of characteristic data on groundwater colloids at specific site. (2)Characteristic assessment of colloids in groundwater. Concentration, size distribution and chemical components of groundwater colloids were measured for characteristic assessment of colloids in groundwater. The results indicate that components of groundwater colloid depended stratum components, and ions in groundwater might form pseudocolloid by sorption to colloids. Also, in this study, distribution coefficients were measured between colloid and radionuclide. The results indicated that distribution coefficients will be depended radionuclide concentration.



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