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Report No.

Study on the development of geological environmental model

Tsujimoto, Keiichi*; Shinohara, Yoshinori*; Saito, Shigeyuki*; Ueta, Shinzo*; not registered; not registered; not registered

The safety performance assessment was carried out in potential geological environment in the conventional research and development of geological disposal, but the importance of safety assessment based on the repository design and scenario considering the concrete geological environment will increase in the future. The research considering the link of the major three fields of geological disposal, investigation of geological environment, repository design, and safety performance assessment, is the contemporary worldwide research theme. Hence it is important to organize information flow that contains the series of information process form the data production to analysis in the three fields, and to systemize the knowledge base that unifies the information flow hierarchically. The purpose of the research is to support the development of the unified analysis system for geological disposal. The development technology for geological environmental model studied for the second progress report by JNC are organized and examined for the purpose of developing database system with considering the suitability for the deep underground research facility. The geological environmental investigation technology and building methodology for geological structure and hydro geological structure models are organized and systemized. Furthermore, the quality assurance methods in building geological environment models are examined. Information which is used and stored in the unified analysis system are examined to design database structure of the system based on the organized methodlogy for building geological environmental model. The graphic processing function for data stored in the unified database are examined. Furthermore, future research subjects for the development of detail models for geological disposal are surveyed to organize safety performance system.



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