※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Studies on mechanical behavior of bentonite for development of the constitutive model

笹倉 剛*; 畔柳 幹雄*; 岡本 道孝*

Sasakura, Takeshi*; Kuroyanagi, Mikio*; not registered


To integrate the system for evaluation of long-term hydraulic condition in near field of TRU waste disposal, series of laboratory tests were conducted to investigate the effect of (a)cation exchange of Na-bentonite for Ca ion, and (b)the swelling behavior of bentonite, on its mechanical and hydraulic properties. For the purpose of this study, same lot of bentonite was used in a series of tests to obtain consistent data. A constitutive model of clayey materials, called Cam-clay model, was expanded conceptually to express the effects mentioned above. The research results of this year are summarized below; (1)Some basic properties such as cation exchange capacity, particle density, grain size distribution, compaction-characteristics and water content were obtained. To examine the effect of previous swelling history of bentonite on its swelling characteristics and hydraulic and mechanical properties, specimens, which generated swelling deformation to various volumetric strain levels, were specially prepared and used in the following tests. Swelling pressure tests, swelling deformation tests, permeability tests were conducted to observe one dimensional swelling characteristics and hydraulic properties of Na-bentonite and Ca-bentonite. High-pressured triaxial consolidated-undrained (CU) compression tests and high-pressured consolidation tests were also carried out to investigate the compression, swelling, and shearing behavior of each type of bentonite. (2)As indicated in previous studies, two important phenomena (a)bentonite possesses remarkable swelling capacity, (b)cation exchange of Na-bentonite for Ca-ion lead increasing of hydraulic conductivity, were confirmed in the test results. From the swelling deformation test results and published data, it was found that swelling capacity of bentonite has no dependency on previous swelling history and it could be easily expressed as a function of void ratio e. It was also confirmed that swelling pressure and water ...



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