※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on the system development for evaluating long-term alteration of hydraulic field in Near Field

奥津 一夫*; 森川 誠司*; 高村 尚*; 羽根 幸司*; 高瀬 博康*; DAVID SAVAGE*; 稲垣 学*

Okutsu, Kazuo*; not registered; Takamura, Hisashi*; Hane, Koji*; Takase, Hiroyasu*; DAVID SAVAGE*; Inagaki, Manabu*


For the high performance evaluation of reliability of TRU waste repository, the system development for evaluating long-term alteration in consideration of the changes action of barrier materials of hydraulic field in Near Field is required. In this research, system development for evaluating long-term alteration of hydraulic field in Near Field was examined. Examination of the basic specification of chemical/dynamic alteration action analysis system used as the composition element of this system and a whole system were performed. The research result of this year is shown below. (1)The system by which the chemical changes happened by Near Field as influence of the exudation liquid from cement material are evaluated was examined. In this year, document investigation about the various processes about chemical alteration and extraction of a choice, presentation of the uncertainty about a model or data, preliminary modeling, a simple analysis tool creation and sensitivity analysis, extraction of the process which should be taken into consideration in a system valuation modeling and a phenomenon analysis model, and a corresponding mathematics model, optimization of the software composition for development of a system valuation modeling, the exercise by the preliminary system analysis model, the experiment plan for the corroboration of a model were shown. (2)In consideration of change of the physical characteristic accompanying chemical alteration of bentonite material and cement material, the system by which the dynamic changes action of repository is evaluated was examined. In this year, arrangement of the dynamics action of repository for long-term were shown. Extraction of a phenomenon made applicable to evaluation was shown. And the dynamic models were investigated and the prototype of the dynamics model that can take into consideration the characteristic of bentonite material was shown. And the basic composition of a dynamic changes action analysis system was shown.



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