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Report No.

A Comprehensive study on nuclide migration using scenario exploration method (3)

Miki, Takahito*; Oyamada, Kiyoshi*; Ikeda, Takao*

In this study, for the mid-depth disposal system for TRU wastes, asset of stochastic simulations covering uncertainties corresponding to variety of scenarios, models and parameter values were conducted to; (1)indicate measures to reduce potential exposure based on the knowledge of sensitivity structure (2)introduce new methodology for clarify the requirement of repository system (3)show guidelines of disposal system development by clarifying conditions in system specification for achieving a target which is well below the dose constraint for base scenarios (4)identify scenarios and conditions that could lead to a radiological impact greater than the dose constraint for alternative scenarios In the course of geological disposal for TRU waste, improvement of assessment methodology for the alternative scenarios was carried out.



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