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Report No.

Report on fabrication of the pin components for irradiation of FUJI project (Collaboration in the research and development of advanced sphere-pac fuel among PSI, JNC, and NRG)

not registered ; Hinai, Hiroshi; Shigetome, Yoshiaki; Kono, Shusaku; not registered

Japan Nuclear Cycle Development institute (JNC) has conducted the collaboration concerning vibro-packed fuels with Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland and Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. The project "Research and Development of Advanced Sphere-pac fuel" is called FUJI (FUel irradiations for JNC and PSI) Project. In this project, three types of fuels that are sphere-pac fuels, vipac fuels, and pelletized fuels will be irradiated in the High Flux Reactor (HFR) to compare the fuel performance. Based on the drawing which has been agreed among three parties, fabrication of the pin components and welding of the upper and lower connection endplugs were performed in accordance with ISO-9001 in JNC. This report describes data of fabricated pin components, results of welding qualification tests, and quality assurance of the welded components. The fabrication of pin components was successfully completed and they were delivered to PSI in October 2002.



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