Full-scale Demonstration of Sealing Technique in Geological Disposal(III)
戸井田 克*; 塩釜 幸弘*; 渥美 博行*; 須山 泰宏*; 川端 淳一*; 伊藤 圭二郎*; 奥津 一夫*; 高村 尚*
Toida, Masaru*; Shiogama, Yukihiro*; Atsumi, Hiroyuki*; Suyama, Yasuhiro*; Kawabata, Junichi*; Ito, Keijiro*; Okutsu, Kazuo*; Takamura, Hisashi*
To establish sealing technique suitable for geological environmental conditions of Japan, it is necessary to obtain data related with this sealing function through laboratory tests and in-situ tests. It also is necessary to put these data to practical use and to establish the estimating method of the sealing technique. This report deals with the sealing function tests under heating condition of supplying water, following the pressurized tests of supplying water at the AECL in Canada until last year. These test results are reported here together with the data, interpretation and analysis of tracer test results. Information arrangement for the establishment of estimation method of sealing function is also performed.