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Report No.

Design Study on In-core Breeding Concept Using Annular Thick Fuel Pins

Maeda, Seiichiro ; Takashita, Hirofumi ; Okawa, Tsuyoshi; Higuchi, Masashi*; Abe, Tomoyuki

We are studying on an in-core breeding concept as a candidate for a practical FBR fuel cycle system attainable in an early stage on the premise that sodium coolant and mixed oxide fuel should be adopted, since the technical issues with these combination are most advanced and common with the fuel cycle for a LWR-MOX system. An enhancement of fuel volume fraction using thick fuel pins enables the in-core breeding. The fuel material flow can be greatly lessened by minimizing amount of the blanket with the in-core breeding core. The low material flow leads to significant reduction of the fuel cycle cost. We investigated a 3500 MWth large-scale core adjusting several conditions presented in JNC's feasibility study program for a commercialized FBR system in this study. These were shown in this study that a discharged burnup averaged over the core and the blanket could reach approximately 130 GWd/t (core averaged about 150 GWd/t) within the maximum fast neutron fluence about 5$$times$$10$$^{23}$$/cm$$^{2}$$, that the small reactivity loss with burnup easily enabled long operation and that stable power distribution during operation significantly improved hydraulic property in this type core. We investigated measures to reduce sodium void reactivity, because core height enlargement to enhance neutron efficiency caused the increase of sodium void reactivity.We also investigated feasibility of a high breeding type core with low burnup considering a variety of FBR introducing scenarios and a trade-off correlation between breeding performance and burnup extension. The performance in this core design at core disruption accidents is not revealed enough. Further investigation should be made in detail to confirm that the in-core breeding concept could be accepted in a safety aspect.



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