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緩衝材の熱物性測定試験(III) -面熱源法による緩衝材熱物性の取得-

Heat Physical Properties Examination of Buffer Material (III)

菊池 広人*; 棚井 憲治 

Kikuchi, Hirohito*; Tanai, Kenji


Usualy, the specific heat of buffer material for the thermal analysis was calculated from the thermal conductivity and the thermal diffusivity measured by using a different measurement technique and different specimen. However, these point become factors of dispersion of data. It is necessary to measure such a thermal characteristics at the same time to a chiue the quality assurance of data and the staudardization of the selational equation.Therefore, the specific heat of bentonite and bentonite/sand mixtures material was calculated by the surface-source method which was able to measure the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity at the same time.Experimental results are as follows ;The thermal conductivity and the specific heat of buffer material increase as water content increase.The specific heat is corresponding the theoretical predict value obtained from the composition component of buffer material such as solid, liquid and gas phase.The thermal conductivity and the specific heat of buffer material is shown as a function of water content of buffer material.



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