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Report No.

Conceptual Design Phase II of Disposal Facility below the Generaly used Depth for RI Laboratory and so on

Kobayashi, Wataru*; Nakagawa, Tatsuo*; Mukunoki, Atsushi*; Goto, Kikuji*

Radioisotopes, nuclear fuel materials, and so on have been used in the various fields such as the research activities of universities and research institutes or the treatment and diagnosis of the medical institutes. It is necessary to treat and dispose of radioactive wastes safely and economically. A fundamental examination was carried out in the Conceptual Design Phase I of Disposal Facility below the generally used Depth for RI Laboratory Wastes and so on in last year. Based on the latest wastes data, the reevaluation of the facility design and the safety evaluation were enforced toward the examination result in last year. And it was examined about the operation procedure that includes wastes reception and disposal place closing. Furthermore, economic evaluation about the disposal was enforced.



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