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Report No.

Report of Working Group for Technical Standard of Cutting and Melting Works in Glovebox Dismantling

Asazuma, Shinichiro ; Takeda, Shinso; Toshihiko, Ohnishi,; Soma, Susumu; Onose, Ken ; Shoichi, Tajima,; Okada, Takashi 

In order to prevent spread of contamination, glovebox dismantling activity is usually performed in a confined enclosure with personal radioactive protective equipment. Since large potion of these materials is made of vinyl acetate, there exist potential risks of fire, damage and injury to the environment and workers during the dismantling (cutting or melting) operation. It is therefore important to establish standard for proper use of equipment and hazard controls in such a specific environment. Working Group composed of Tokai Works and O-arai Works has examined and developed the operational standard for cutting work in glovebox dismantlement. The result is reflected to the Tokai Works Safety Operational Standard.



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