※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of the Self Moving Survey System

石川 久; 根本 典雄; 井崎 賢二 ; 小林 博英 ; 谷澤 輝明*; 金澤 吉人*

Ishikawa, Hisashi; Nemoto, Norio; Izaki, Kenji; Kobayashi, Hirohide; Tanizawa, Teruaki*; Kanazawa, Yoshito*


In order to strengthen the functions of the self moving survey system, the design of the truck and the data transmission system, the investigation of the handling function and the durability test assumed under the disaster environment were executed.As the basic performance of the self moving survey system, it was demanded to have the functions in order to run on the bumpy road, go up and down the stairs and open and shut of the door. And the remote control by the PHS line or the SS wireless is adopted as an operational method. Moreover, as the function that can monitor the disaster situation in the facility, it was assumed the design that make modular the measurement equipments, which mainly measure alpha ray, gamma ray and neutron, and installed it.In consideration of the radiation monitoring under the environment that assumes the critical accident and a fire and the explosion etc. heat test, humidity test, radiation test, and aerosol (smoke) test for monitoring equipments were executed. As a result of the tests, it was confirmed that all equipment except the semiconductor detector operated normally.



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