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Report No.

Development of the JNC Geological Disposal Technical Information Integration System Subjected for Repository Design and Safety Assessment -Document on Present State of Affairs-

Ishihara, Yoshinao*; Ito, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Shigeki*; Neyama, Atsushi*

On this work, system manufacture about disposal technology and safety assessment field was performed towards construction of the JNC Geological Disposal Technical Information Integration System which systematized three fields of technical information acquired in investigation (site characteristic investigation) of geology environmental conditions, disposal technology (design of deep repository), and performance/safety assessment.The technical information database managed focusing on the technical information concerning individual research of an examination, analysis, etc. and the parameter set database managed focusing on the set up data set used in case of comprehensive evaluation are examined.In order to support and promote share and use of the technical information registered and managed by the database, utility functions, such as a technical information registration function, technical information search / browse function, analysis support function, and visualization function, are considered, and the system realized in these functions is built.The built system is installed in the server of JNC, and the functional check examination is carried out.



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