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Report No.

Manufacturing of ODS Test Pieces for MARICO-2 and CMIR-6; Results of Test Pieces Manufacturing

Seki, Masayuki; Ishibashi, Fujio; Kihara, Yoshiyuki; Tsukada, Tatsuya*; Hirako, Kazuhiko*

The irradiation test by MARICO-2 and CMIR-6 is planned aiming to the irradiation characteristic of ODS cladding tube. The test pieces of MARICO-2 and CMIR-6 were manufactured by using Martensitic ODS cladding tube and Ferritic ODS cladding tube. The specification of the test pieces was same as two steel type. The test pieces of Martensitic ODS were manufactured from February 19, 2004 to March 11, 2004.(MARICO-2:38test pieces (in clueded 11pieces reserve and QA sample) and CMIR-6:6 test pieces). The test pieces of Ferritic ODS was manufactured from August 17, 2004 and September 22, 2004.(MARICO-2:32test pieces(in clueded 11pieces reserve and QA sample) and CMIR-6:6 test pieces). The problem did not occur for manufacturing the test pieces. Martensitic ODS test pieces was provided for JNC OEC System Division Nuclear fuel group at the May 2004 and Ferritic ODS test pieces was provided for JNC OEC System Division Nuclear fuel group at the October 2004.



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