ニアフィールド水理場の長期的変遷評価システム構築に関する研究 IV
Study on the System Development for evaluating Long-term Alteration of Hydraulic Field in Near Field (IV)
奥津 一夫*; 森川 誠司*; 新保 弘*; 畔柳 幹雄*; 佐原 史浩*; 村上 武志*; 青山 裕司*
Okutsu, Kazuo*; Morikawa, Seiji*; Shimbo, Hiroshi*; Kuroyanagi, Mikio*; Sahara, Fumihiro*; Murakami, Takeshi*; Aoyama, Yuji*
To integrate the system for evaluation of long-term hydraulic condition in near field of TRU waste disposal, the engineered barrier, which consists of bentonite buffer and cementitious materials, was employed in the series of laboratory tests.On the bentonite buffer, with the aim of investigating of the effect of (i)interlayer cation in bentonite, (ii)content of siliceous sand and (iii)the ionic strength of ground water on its mechanical and hydraulic properties, series of laboratory tests were conducted. The same lot of bentonite was used in the series of tests to obtain consistent data. In addition, the swelling test of the laminated bentonite with caliumization front was conducted for verification of the proposed constitutive model.On cementitious materials, the altered specimen that produced immersing was investigated the water permeation and also characteristics. The hardened cement paste specimens with W/C=40 to 105% were immersed into deionized water and alteration behavior under diffusion condition was investigated.