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Self-Welding Behavior of Various Materials in Sodium Environments(2) Self-Welding of Hard Metals and Carbide Materials


S.Mizno*; 加納 茂機; M.Namek*; T.Owada*; Atsumo, Hideo*

S.Mizno*; Kano, Shigeki; M.Namek*; T.Owada*; Atsumo, Hideo*


The experimental was conducted from October 1 to December 21, 1973 for the purpose of comparing the self-welding behavior of various kinds of material in high temperature sodium, thus acquiring the basic know-ledge of their self-welding phenomena. In our previous report (SN941 730-32), we have take up the subject self-welding between hard Cr platting and SUS316 (equivalent to AISI Type 316 Stainless Steel). Thistime, however, we have undertaken the tests of carbide materials, refractory materials such as molybdenum and tungsten well as stellite No.6, nickel, nichrome, etc. The tests have revealed the following results: 1.Chrome-carbide (Detonation Gun-coated) has been a good self-welded residence. But, the carbide with the content of tungsten showed a strong tendency the self-welding. 2.Tungsten and molybdenum had strongly residence agaibst self-welding effective as material. 3. Stellite No.6 combined with SUS316 showed a tendency to self-welding. 4.Nickel and Nichrom



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