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Simulation experiment on pressure wave propagation during large-leak sodium-water reaction in LMFBR steam-generator; The Second report; The Equivalent cross-sectional area for a system with inner structures and structural dynamic response of the SG shell for pressure wave Form

秋元 徳三*; 高野 博*; 前野 陽治*; 堀 雅夫*; 佐藤 稔*; 田中 信夫*; 綿見 正和*

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


PNC and CRIEPI have jointly perfomed a simulation experiment for pressure wave propagation in LMFBR steam generators during sodium/water reaction. The purpose of this work was to contribute to the safe design of the steam generators and from the results of this project the following has been established: (1)Analytical method has been devised to obtain the equivalent cross-sectional area for a system with inner structures, and (2) Structural dynamic response of the shell has been measured for given pressure wave form. By the simulation experiments, the equivalent cross-sectional areas have been established for Monju SG in its various design alternatives and, moreover, verification was made of the equivalent cross-sectional area for straight pipe intervals. In item (2) above, dynamic strain of the vessel wall was measured for the given simulated pressure pulse.



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