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 年 ~ 

高速炉プラント動特性解析コードPLANT76試計算 : 高速実験炉性能試験解析

Fast reactor plant dynamics code PLANT 76 test run; The preliminary analyses of JOYO plant dynamic tests

寺田 和道*; 大竹 俊英*

not registered; not registered


This report presents the preliminary analytical results of the dynamic behavior of JOYO plant with the PLANT 76 code. These items considered here are as follows, (1)Primary flow coast down (2)Secondary flow coast down (3)Loss of off-site electrical power (4)Loss of electrical power to one primary pump (5)Loss of electrical power to one secondary pump (6)Manual reactor shutdown The analyses of the primary and the secondary coastdowns were made to compare the analytical results with the preoperational test data of JOYO. It was found out that the analytical flow coast down curves were good agreement with the experimental data. The calculation of the other items (3) through (6) were performed to predict the behavior of the plant dynamic test of JOYO which would be scheduled to be performed in the next year.



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