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Post-test inspection of reaction vessel internal (Run-6 test of SWAT-3 facility);Report No.18; large leak sodium water reaction test

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The series of the scoping test which ascertains whether the secondary failure of the adjucent heat transfer tube occure or not due to large leak sodium water reaction in steam generator of LMFBR is beeing performed using SWAT-3 test facility. This paper describes the post-test inspection result of the reaction vessel internal with helically coiled heat transfer tube bundles which was used in run-6 sodium water reaction test. The internal was manufactured by HITACHI/BHK company based on their design of the MONJU's SG. Run-6 test was excecuted with the water injection point of the lower part of the tube bundle, and water injection rate and duration of 9.4 (initial) to 8.3 kg/sec (afterward) and 9.5 seconds. Total weight of injected water was 90 kg. No secondary tube failure occure during and after sodium water reaction. No deformations of heat transfer tube which include the deformation due to mechanical force and blister due to the high internal pressure and tube wall softening caused by high temperature generated by sodium water reaction was obserbed. Some deformations were obserbed on the shroud of internal.



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