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 年 ~ 


Heat balance and thermal power calculations for the JOYO experimental fast reactor

寺田 和道*; 石川 真*; 田村 誠司*; 土井 基尾*; 鈴木 利明*; 山本 寿*

not registered; not registered; Tamura, Seiji*; Doi, Motoo*; not registered; Yamamoto, Hisashi*


Heat balance measurements and calculations were performed for the JOYO experimental fast reactor. Some pertinent results of this tests are presented below. (1)The heat removal rates calcalated using the air flowrates and $$Delta$$Ts from the DHXs differed from heat removal rates obtained using measured primary sodium flowrates and $$Delta$$Ts. The heat removal rates determined from the DHX data are about 11% larger and about 4% larger than the rates obtained from the primary sodium data for the A Loop and B Loop of JOYO, respectively. The air flowrates and outlet temperatures from the DHX are measured on an 8$$times$$8 grids in the outlet area of the air cooler, using Pitot tubes and thermocouples. (2)The heat removal rates obtained using measured secondary sodium flowrates and DHX $$Delta$$Ts are almost same as and about 8% smaller than the rates obtained from the primary sodium data for the A Loop and B Loop of JOYO, respectively. (3)The core heat generation rate (including blanket effects, etc.) calculated using the measured individual subassembly outlet temperatures, and subassembly flowrates, is about 7% larger than the value calculated using the primary sodoum flowrate and the reactor $$Delta$$T. The reason for this discrepancy is conjectured to be due to the fact that the subassembly average outlet temperature is lower than the measured value, since the thermocouple is located in the center of the subassembly outlet channel. In both the A and B Loops of JOYO, the error between the heat removal rates from the measured DHX and the primary or secondary sodium flowrate and temperature data, and in the B Loop between the heat removal rates obtained from the primary sodium data and the secondary flowrate and DHX $$Delta$$T, are greater than the error band of the instrumentation. The eauses of this unbalance in the heat removal are being investigated. THis report is based on the meetings held in February and March 1980 in the Reactor Technology Section ...



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