※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

高速実験炉「常陽」性能試験報告書; 床下メンテナンス時除熱能力試験解析・評価

"JOYO" Start-up test report; Analyses and evaluation of the decay heat removal test by in-vessel natural circulation

鈴木 利明*; 寺田 和道*; 広瀬 正史*

not registered; not registered; Hirose, Tadashi*


A decay heat removal test by in-vessel natural circulation was performed in september, 1978, at the end of the "JOYO" 50MW start up test period. Prior to the testing, preliminary analyses were performed. The test condition, limitations, and test schedule were decided based on the preliminary analyses results. A thermal stress analysis of the reactor vessel and the leak jacket was performed to verify its integrity by using the test result. The maximum heat removel capability was also predicted using the test result.



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