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Report No.

Thermal ratchet and mechanical ratchet analyses of a straight pipe

Furuhashi, Ichiro*; not registered; not registered; not registered

Thermal ratchet and mechanical ratchet analyses by Finite Element Method (FEM) were performed, and the dependence of ratchetting conditions and ratchet strains upon the following parameters were discussed. (1)Types of primary load (axial load or internal pressure load). (2)Types of cyclic secondary load (thermal load by radial temperature distribution, or strain-controlled mechanical load). (3)Types of radial temperature distribution (linear, parabolic, or real temperature distribution). (4)Types of thermal load (pulsating thermal load or alternating thermal load). (5)Material properties do not depend on temperature, and those are constant. or, material properties are variable dependent on temperature. (6)Strain hardening is zero, small, or considerable. And, thermal ratchetting conditions and thermal ratchet strains were compared between FEM Analysis and simplified analysis.



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