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 年 ~ 

高速実験炉「常陽」性能試験報告書 : 高出力炉雑音特性第5報

Experimental fast reactor "JOYO" power up test report high power reactor noise analysis V

大谷 秀二*; 庄野 彰*; 田村 誠司*

not registered; not registered; Tamura, Seiji*


In order to develop one of the on-line plant anomaly monitoring system, applying reactor noise analysis technique, a modeling of transfer function for the indisial response and spacial dependent neutron fluctuation in the core was studied using WS (weight sequence) model technique. It was proven that the reactor kinetics and space dependent neutron fluctuation Were well identified by means of the WS model technique and also the WS model may detect the anomaly experienced in JOYO. The WS model method has advantages, if compare to the ordinary frequency analysis technique. The access time is shorter and the volume of program is smaller. The results suggested that the WS model has a potential to be utilized in the on-line anomaly monitoring system.



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