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Experiments on the water leak detection systems in the 50MW; steam generator test facility (11); Operational experience of hydrogen meter

Shirato, Seiichi*; Kaneko, Yoshihisa*; not registered; Nishikimi, Masakazu*; not registered; Tsuchiya, Tsuneo; not registered

It is necessary to detect the water leak (sodium-water reaction) as fast as possible in a steam generator for liquid metal fast breeder reactor, and hydrogen meter has been developed for detection of water leak. In-sodium hydrogen meter and in-cover gas hydrogen meter have been developed in 50 MW steam generator test facility for the purpose of leak detection system of LMFBR "Monju" plant. This paper reports the development of each hydrogen meter, operational experience and evaluation of performance. Some proposals for design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of "Monju" plant 1eak detection system are also described.



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