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Design study on FBR concept eliminating secondary cooling systems

飯田 正明*; 小杉 敏夫*; 神戸 満*; 永井 寛*; 田中 信夫*; 土屋 毎雄*; 奈良 義彦*

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A design study was conducted in order to establish the concept of the FBR plant eliminating the secondary sodium loop. Conditions for realization and effectivenesses for cost reduction were also studied for this plant. The main topic for understanding this plant concept was recognized as to clearify "the influence of sodium-water reaction to the reactor core", broken out in the steam generator. Discussions were mainly focussed on the reactor core, the steam generator, the containment vessel, sodium-water reaction product relief system and so on, which were supposed to be especially important for this plant concept. Following items were recognized. (1) Total image and concept of the FBR plant eliminating the secondary sodium loop. (2) Influence of the sodium-water reaction product, especially hydrogen gas, to reactor core and limit of the water-leak rate for core damage. (3) Countermeasures for reduction and elimination of these influences. (4) Concepts of the safety map for sodium-water reaction of this plant and requirements for water leak detection systems. (5) Necessity of the duplex tube type steam generator from the view point of property protection. (6) Reduction effect for the amount of materials and construction cost by adopting this concept of plant. A overall process for design study was experienced throuqh the activities of this work.



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