※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

「常陽」MK-1ブランケット燃料(NFJ111, NFJ04K, NFJ064及びNFJ05L)の照射後試験; 燃料要素の非破壊試験

Post irradiation examination of JOYO MK-I blanket fuel (NFJI11, NFJO4K, NFJO64, and NFJO5L); Destructive examination of fuel elements

滑川 卓志; 長井 修一郎*; 山内 勘

Namekawa, Takashi; not registered; Yamanouchi, Sadamu


The JOYO MK-I blanket fuel subassemblies; NFJI11, NFJO4K, NFJO64, and NFJO5L were irradiated in the core location of 5D1, 6D1, 7D1, and 8D1 respectively. One of four subassemblies NFJI11 was irradiated from the 50MW 1st cycle to the end cycle of MK-I core, and the others from the 50MW low power test to the end cycle. One or two fuel pins were selected from each subassembly and the destructive postirradiation examinations that were metallographic examination and burnup measurement, were performed in AGF. The following results were obtained; (1)Fuel restructurings were not found for all subassemblies under microstructure observation. (2)FCCI was not observed for all subassemblies. (3)Axial distribution of normalized measured burnups had a good agreement with calculated profile by JYHIST code for all subassemblies. (4)Radial distribution curve of measured burnups toward the core center had more gentle slope than the calculated one. (5)Plutonium content which was generated by the neutron capture of U-238, varied with burnup, and the distribution curve had more gentle slope than the burnup curve.



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