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The fifth annual inspection report of the experimental fast reactor JOYO; Summary of the Fifth Annual inspection

前田 幸基*; 川部 浩康*; 富田 直樹*

Maeda, Yukimoto*; not registered; not registered


The fifth annual inspection of the experimental fast reactor JOYO was conducted during the perid from April 28, 1985 to December 10, 1985 after completion of the 7th duty cycle at 100MWt. During this annual inspection, many moditication and installation works, such as installation of INTA (Instrumented Test assembly) and exchange of cooling towers, were conducted for the irradiation tests and the improvement of plant performance. The fifth annual inspection was extended for the period of 7 months, however, all work was completed without any trouble. Many precious experiences of FBR maintenance were obtained through this annual inspection.



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