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ナトリウム火災防護設備基礎試験(IV); 水による二次系主配管ナトリウム漏洩模擬試験

Basic test on sodium fire protection systems (4); Water simulation test of a leak from IHTS pipe

姫野 嘉昭; 宇佐美 正行*; 木下 哲宏*

Himeno, Yoshiaki; not registered; not registered

「もんじゅ」安全設計で想定されている二次系主配管に1/4・Dt(但し、Dは配管内径、tは配管肉厚)の破損孔が生じた場合について、水による漏洩模擬試験を行った。試験では、保温構造体付きのフルモックアップ配管試験体(直管、エルボ、T字管)も用い、これらで保温構造体の内の(1)内装板のみを取りつけた場合、(2)内装板と外装板の両方を取りつけた場合、のそれぞれについて、a漏洩形態の目視観察、b液滴噴流の全漏洩流量に対する割合の測定、c噴流中の液滴径の測定、およびd漏洩孔と保温構造体の流動圧力損失係数の測定、などを行った。測定結果および結果の検討から次の成果を得た。(1)内装板のみを取りつけた場合、漏洩流量の50%以上が外装板の周方向と軸方向の継目から液滴噴流となって四散し、その液滴径は、個数平均径で数㎜であった。(2)内装板と外装板を配管に取り付けた場合 液滴噴流の発生は完全に抑制できた。別途実施したNa漏洩試験から、事故時の保温構造の健全性は確保されることを明らかにしている。このため、実際の漏洩事故でもNaのスプレーの生成を完全に防止できる見通しを得たことになる。(3)1/4・Dt相当の漏洩孔を含めた保温構造体の圧力損失係数圧力損失係数の実測値は2.3$$sim$$2.8であった。「もんじゅ」安全解析に使用されているこの値が1.0であることから、安全解析で想定されている流量には約50%の安全裕度であることを明らかにした。また圧力損失測定から、保温構造体の圧力損失の殆どは内装板で生じ、外装板に加わる噴出流の動圧は非常に小さいことも明らかにした。

In the safety evaluation of the Monju design basis sodium leak accident, a large leak from an IHTS pipe whose leak hole is equivalent to (1/4)$$cdot$$Dt (where, D is the pipe diameter and t is the pipe wall thickness) is postulated. To investigate the possible occurrence of a spray fire in the event of a sodium leak, a water simulation test has been conducted. Three test sections (straight, elbow, and T pipes) of the full-mockup Monju ITHS pipes with thermal insulation jackets (the jackets consisted of an inner and an outer jackets) were manufactured for this purpose. The test was divided into two parts. One was with the test sections equipped with their inner jacket only and the other with the test sections equipped with both inner and outer jackets. Subjects investigated in the test were (a) leakage flow pattern, (b) fraction of spray flow among a total leak flow, (c) droplet diameters of a spray flow, and (d) pressure drop coefficient across a leak hole and the thermal insulation jackets. From the test results, the following conclusions were drawn. (1)Test sections with the inner jackets only. More than 50% of a leak flow is in the form of a spray. Number mean diameter of the spray droplets determined is several millimeters. (2)Test sections equipped with both inner and outer jackets. A spray formation is almost perfectly suppressed. Since an integrity of the thermal insulation jackets during a leak has already been confirmed, the results indicates that a spray fire does not occur in the event of an real sodium leak. (3)Pressure drop coefficient across a leak hole and thermal insulation jackets Pressure drop coefficient determined is 2.3-2.8. While, the pressure drop coefficient used in the safety evaluation of the Monju sodium leak accident is 1.0. Comparison of these two numbers indicates that the safety margin of the Monju safety evaluation in regard to a sodium leak flow is about 50%. It is also Confirmed that the most part of the pressure ...



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