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Full scale dryout test and analysis on the time to droyout during flow and power transients


菅原 悟*; 柴 公倫*

not registered; not registered


Transient dryout has been tested on a full scale electric heater mockup of an ATR 36-rod fuel bundle during fast flow and power transients which could take place in loss of flow or overpower accidents. The analyses were also carried out in order to investigate the prediction capability of the onset of transient dryout. The time to dryout and the dryout power during transient could be well and/or conservatively predicted based on the local steam quality, local mass flux, local heat flux and steady state CRF correlation. Furthermore, transient effect on dryout could be well traced by FIDAS code based on the transient three-fluid nine-equation model and the film dryout criterion.



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