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実験炉部技術課試験研究成果速報; Vol.3, No.3 昭和61年10月$$sim$$12月の成果概要

Preliminary results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by reactor technology section; Experimental reactor division Vol.3, No.3

溝尾 宣辰*; 前田 清彦*

not registered; not registered


This report summarizes preliminary results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during October through December, 1986. All results discribed in the report were released with internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, before detail analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. Each result is classified into the following categories according to its content. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for core characteristics of JOYO. (2)Results of analyses and evaluations for transfer plan to J2 core. (3)Results of analyses and evaluations for official permission. (4)Results of analyses and evaluatlons for core mechanics. (5)Results of measurements and analyses for natural circulation test in JOYO MK-II core. (6)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of Experimental Fast Reactor "JOYO". (7)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux and gamma ray of JOYO. (8)Production and/or arrangements of analysis codes and their manuals. (9)Miscellaneous results. Tables classified by kind of work are added. After detail discussions, analyses and evaluations, the final report for each program will be published, respectively.



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