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空気雰囲気に於ける電気計装品の耐ナトリウムエアロゾル健全性試験 : RUN-02

Endurance test of post accident monitors under aerosol containing air atmosphere; Run C2

川田 耕司*; 山田 敏雄*; 姫野 嘉昭

not registered; not registered; Himeno, Yoshiaki


Operation following a design basis sodium leak accident of prototype FBR Monju requires in fulfilment the function of post Accident Monitors. Therefore, it had been asked to verify the survivability of the monitors under an aerosol containing air atmosphere. To meet the requirment, test have been performed for the monitors from December 1985 to June 1986 under the following conditions, in the tests, cables and materials for the instrumentations havc been also exposed to aerosol. (1)Aerosol Test : 720 hours at about 90 ((g/m$$^{3}$$ $$cdot$$ 720H) as time integrated concentration or sodium oxide aerosol and atmospheric temperature of 90 $$^{circ}$$C. (max.) (2)Aerosol Deposits Detiquesce Test : 6 monthes at atmospheric temperature of 90$$^{circ}$$C. (max.) Following results were drawn. (1)Post Accident Monitors (Radiation Area Monitor etc...) proved in fulfilment the function under aerosol containing air atmosphere. (2)Into some of the cable, migration of sodium oxide aerosol was found. (3)Some of the material showed embrittlement probably due to their chemical reaction with sodium oxide deposit.



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