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Report No.

Test of thermal conduction across the steel liner, perlite concrete and structural concrete complex in the FBR plant

not registered; Himeno, Yoshiaki; not registered

In the event of a design basis sodium leak accident in the reactor building of the FBRs, the leaked sodium is collected and stored in a sodium storage room until the accident comes to an end. By placing the emphasis on the heat release characteristics of the sodium storage room, the following tests were performed. (1)Determination of thermal properties of materials for the floor of the room; perlite concrete, structural concrete, etc. (2)Partial engineering tests of heat conduction from a hot sodium to structural concrete simulating the accident conditions of the floor. In the former tests, the reliable data of the thermal properties were obtained. In the latter tests, transient temperature distributions were obtained.Comparison of these distributions with the calculated results of the code indicated that the code gives conservative results.



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