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Report No.

Radioactive corrosion products behavior and control in fast breeder reactor alphabet project (phase II)

Maeda, Yukimoto*; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered

Radioactive corrosion products (CP) are transported to the primary circuite and deposited on the wall of the primary piping and components. Radioactive CPs are also transferred to the fuel cleaning system following refueling operations, and the liquid waste from the fuel cleaning facility transfer CPs to the liquid waste disposal system. These deposited CPs and transferred CPs make radiation fields near the piping and components, and cause radiation burden to the plant personnel in maintenance of these systems. In order to establish the techniques of radiation dose reduction R&D program named "ALPHABET project" was conducted from 1984 to 1987 and the expected results were achieved by the activities. Radiation dose reduction techniques are improved in LWR by reduction of radioactive CRUD. Therefore, R&D for radiation dose reductjon of FBR plant is necessary to show the advantage of FBR. Based on this understanding, ALPHABET project has newly started as phase-II program to research and develop the reduction techniques of radioactive waste in addition to the remaining subjects to be improved. This report describes the R&D programs of ALPHABET project phase II.



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