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Validation of film dryout model in a three-fluid code FIDAS


菅原 悟*

not registered


Analytical prediction model of critical heat flux (CHF) has been developed on the basis of film dryout criterion due to droplets deposition and entrainment in annular mist flow. CHF in round tubes were analyzed by the Film Dryout Analysis Code in Subchannels, FIDAS, which is based on the three-fluid, three-field and newly developed film dryout model. Predictions by FIDAS were compared with the world-wide experimental data on CHF obtained in water and Freon for uniformly and non-uniformly heated tubes under vertical upward flow condition. Furthermore, CHF prediction capability of FIDAS was compared with those of other film dryout models for annular flow and Katto's CHF correlation. The predictions of FIDAS are in sufficient agreement with the experimental CHF data, and indicate better agreement than the other film dryout models and empirical correlation of Katto.



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