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Report No.

Measurements of physical properties of FBR (Fast Breeder Reactor) structural materials; Part 1 Measurements of physical properties of the rolled steels

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It is needed for FBR design to know physical properties of the structural materials that will be used for FBR-reactor vessels, -steam generators, and -pipes. In this report, six types of steels that are noted as the structural materials for next steps of FBR are taken up. The six types of steels are as follows ; [SUS 304] [SUS 316 (conventional)] [FBR grade SUS316] [SUS321] [2.25Cr-1Mo steel] [Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel (ASTM A387-91).] Physical properties of the steels are measured on rolled plates made by mills. The measured physical properties are as follows ; [Specific gravity] [Specific heat] [Thermal conductivity] [Thermal expansion] [Young's modulus] [Poisson's ratio.] And also the same kinds of physical properties of S.R. (Stess Relieving) heat treated 2.25Cr-1Mo and Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel plates are measured. Measurement of the physical properties of forgings, pipes, and weld metals of selected types of steels of them will be also carried out in 1990 and all summarized data that will contain the results of this report will be used to determin the criteria design values of the physical properties for the next steps of FBR. (Caution) This report only shows the measurement results of the physical properties of the rolled steel plates but doesn't give the design standards of the physical properties for the next steps of FBR.



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