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Analysis on incident data of FBRs

佐久間 孝志*; 可児 吉男*

not registered; not registered


The incident data on fast breeder reactors (FBRs) in the world have been analyzed and summarized in order to obtain insights into characteristics and trends of those incidents. CREDO (Centralized REliability Data Organization) data and several published documents are referred for this work. Data analysis is performed by two steps. First, the trend analyses of the failure events were performed for the type of system, component, failure cause, corrective action and so on. Next, the data of incidents which occurred after 1979 were selected from all data sources and were analyzed in detail from the viewpoint of safety implication, importance and comprehensiveness of safety evaluation for FBRs. As a result of this analysis, it is concluded that the identified incidents leading to reactor shutdown are enveloped by the events postulated in the safety design/evaluation for domestic FBRs, or they are trivial events that do not affect the safety function of the relevant system.



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