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Report No.

Investigation on efficiency of outer barrel for large-scale fast breeder reactor

not registered; not registered; not registered ; Yamaguchi, Akira; not registered; Sugawara, Satoru

In-vessel thermohydraulic analysis with multi-dimensional code AQUA was conducted for transient simulating a pump coast down and reactor scram (manual reactor trip event) to confirm efficiency of outer barrel equipments on a large-scale fast breeder reactor. Through the analysis using the AQUA code and the discussion based on their results, the following results have been obtained: [Main Loop Temperature Transient] The transient rate with the outer barrel equipments are approximately equal to the result when an inner barrel was adopted. [Thermal stratification] Axial temperature distributions are approximately equal to the result in the case without an inner barrel. Therefore appearance of an axial temperature distribution can be neglected from a structural design. [Circumferential Temperature Distribution] Maximum temperature gradient 104$$^{circ}$$C/m was confirmed. The value is equivalent to three times of that when an inner barrel was not adopted. Further investigation on a thermal stress at reactor vessel is necessary. [Sodium Surface Velocity] Maximum velocity is the same as that described for the case without an inner barrel. From the above results, it is concluded that the outer barrel considered here is an efficient equipment to relax the main loop temperature transient.



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