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Conceptual design study of high temperature fast reactor

大坪 章; 羽賀 一男; 関口 信忠

not registered; Haga, Kazuo; Sekiguchi, Nobutada


A conceptual design study has been performed in order to establish an outline image of the High Temperature Fast Reactor (HTFR) which has been aimed to produce the hydrogen as a most promising energy source in 21st century. The study covers the following systems. (1)Reactor system (2)Cooling system (3)Safety system and containment From results of the study, the concepts of the compactized reactor system and the heat exchanging system has been presented. Based on the concept obtained, a preliminary estimate of the cost of hydrogen produced by the HTFR was also conducted in another report. Result revealed that the cost is compatible with that by the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTG CR) already published.



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