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Report No.

Design study of ISI system for MONJU primary cooling piping

not registered; not registered; not registered 

We have been developing a inspection tool in order to apply for ISl of 32B sized elbow piping on MONJU primary cooling circuit. Experiments and examination were carried out on design work to decide the design parameters. We obtained the results as follows, (1)The design parameters of un ultrasonic probe, such as the ultrasonic element's diameter, frequency and refraction angle, were chosen as the most suitable for fraw detection. (2)It was confirmed that the most stable scanning of the scanner was achieved by the control of 3 driving wheels. (3)The scanner could be carried by 2 persons, it's weight was 38kg. (4)The handling mechanism for thermal insulator consist's of three divided piecies and lt's driving source is pneumatic. The conclusions of this study were as follows, (1)An equipments of the volumetric examination for large scale elbow piping was designed, and it could be use at 80$$^{circ}$$C without supplying and collecting apparatus for couplant. (2)This system must be contribute the reduction of human radiation dose.



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