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 年 ~ 

Investigation on applicability of turbulence models to low reynolds number flows


JAE HO*; 村松 壽晴

JAE HO*; not registered


There are many arguments on the empericalconstants of the turbulence models becausetheir ariginal values are selected on thebasis of the dimensional analysis.Especia-lly,the particular model form of the gene-ration -destruction terms in the transpo-rt equation for the turbulent kinetic ene-rgy dissipation rate $$epsilon$$ has been treated asa source of the arguments.Having recogniz-ed the cause for sensitivities of calcula-tions on the relevant constants,this studycould be performed to evaluate the applic-ability of the turbulence models adoptedadopted in AQUA to relatively slow flowsthrough analyses of a typical thermal cav-ity problem and the 7th IAHR benchmark pr-oblem featuring many aspects of the pheno-mena predicted during the natural circula-tion decay heat removals in the FBR react-or vessel.Despite the level of handled tu-rbulence models,such as the standard $$kappa$$&$$epsilon$$two-equation model and the algebraic stre-ss/flux model,the calculation results arefairly sensitive to the varitions of thepe



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