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Report No.

Preliminary study on a wireless operation installation of a transportable reactor

not registered; Haga, Kazuo

A transportable reactor has been studied in one of activities of frontier research in PNC. Since the reactor is going to be used at an secluded place in the earth, on the surface of the moon or at the deep sea bottom, the operation of the reactor requires wireless communications. Based on the present status of technology, a preliminary study has been performed in this report on a wireless operation method of the reactors on the moon and at the deep sea bottom. A wireless operation system of the reactor on the moon is supposed to exist technically on the extension of a present space communication system and a difficult problem does not seem to remain at the development stage of the wireless operation system. Concerning the wireless operation system of the reactor at the deep sea bottom, a few problems remain to be solved in the field of acoustic communications in sea water. However they seem to be solved technically in future. It takes about three seconds for an electric wave to go and come back between the reactor on the moon and the earth. It takes also about four seconds for an acoustic wave to reach the reactor at the deep sea bottom from the sea surface. Therefore, urgent control of the reactor by wireless communications is impossible in both cases. The urgent control must be performed by the reactors themselves.



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