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Study on hydrogen production methods using high temperature fast reactor

大坪 章; 羽賀 一男

not registered; Haga, Kazuo


Study was performed on UT-3 thermochemical method and a high temperature steam electrolysis method using a solid electrolyte which were hydrogen production methods to use effectively thermal energy from a high temperature fast reactor(HTFR). For the former, the concept of hydrogen production plant system was studied for the first time and hydrogen production cost was calculated by using the concept. Present status of research was studied for the latter. The former is a very attractive hydrogen production method from the point of effective use of the thermal energy produced by the HTFR but it has big problems to be solved before commercialization. The latter, which is one of improved electrolysis methods, does not have attractiveness as large as the former in the point of thermal energy utilization, but it seems not to have unsolved problems as difficult as the former.



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