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Report No.

Strain gauge calibration test

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Strain gauge calibration test was performed to confirm the characteristics of foil type strain gauges which were used for CPVT (Cyclic Plasticity Verification Test) by sticking 6 type of commercial strain gauges on a material test piece subjected to cyclic strain range ($$Delta$$ $$varepsilon$$ = 2000$$mu$$$$sim$$14000$$mu$$) of 50 cycles at room temperature. The following results were obtained. (1)The origin of strain gauge output was shiflted to tension direction when strain range grater than 7000$$mu$$ in this experiment. The values of shift becomes bigger when strain range increase. (2)KFE seriese represented higher performance than KFG seriese for valiation of factor or non-linearity, and same performance for shift character. The stress consentration gauge was worst for all of characters, and valiation of each gauge was large. (3)Shift and factor characters were chenged between increasing and decreasing applied strain range. Those values assumed to depend on strain history. (4)The constant shift occurs at each cycle when 50 cycle strain ($$Delta$$$$varepsilon$$ = 13500$$mu$$) given for vargain KFG and KFE seriese strain gauge. (5)The correction equation was shown such a case (4) under consideration of CPVT.



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