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Report No.

Preliminary design of control system for high current CW electron linac

Toyama, Shinichi  

[Object] A high current CW electron linac that has a few orders magnitude of higher beam acceleration compared with the other electron linacs is being developed. In the development, it is also important for the stable beam acceleration to get an optimum control system. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to carry out preliminary optimum design of system. [Method] A survey on the control system of exiting accelerators is summarized. This survey covers the control system for not only linac but also cycrotron and syncrotron. [Result] A basic configuration of the control system of the linac was obtained based on the study. An inner processing system was convoluted in order to assist the operator by the data processed in linac orarating system. And the total control system was divied into 4 layer structure to ease the operation and maintenance. [Conclusion] The guide line for detailed design and test of the control system of this linac facility was obtained.



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