※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

高温高速炉を用いた水素製造法に関する検討(II); 固体電解質高温水蒸気電気分解

Study on hydrogen production methods using high temperature fast reactor

大坪 章; 羽賀 一男

not registered; Haga, Kazuo


[Objective] To study hydrogen production methods using a high temperature fast reactor as its heat source. The hydrogen is expected to be clean energy source in the next century. [Method] Study was performed on a high temperature steam electrolysis method using a solid electrolyte, which is a hydrogen production method studied elsewhere. [Results] Assuming that hydrogen production system study was operated at 700 and 880$$^{circ}$$C of reactor vessel outlet coolant temperature of the HTFR, electrolysis efficiencies were determined to be 91.6 and 92.2 %, respectively. In this case, the electrolysis efficiency is shown as the following equation. Blectrolysis efficiency = (Heat generated by combution of produced hydrogen)/(Heat from HTFR + Electric power used for electrolysis) The system can also be operated at 550$$^{circ}$$C with an additional heating system up to 900$$^{circ}$$C. However technical feasibility of the heat exchangers used in the hydrogen production system is not clear.



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