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Report No.

Development of post-process program "RANGE" for "FINAS"; Stress-strain range calculation and linearize program

not registered ; Ishikawa, Masayuki*; kasahara, Naoto; not registered; not registered

For the purpose of advancement of evaluation methods in design code and of design evaluation based on advanced design code, we analyze stress-strain behaviors of structures by FINAS computer code and process analyzed results. Present program which deal with post-tape of FINAS can not perform special evaluation to examine structural design methods. Therefore, we developed stress-strain calculation program "RANGE" which can process post-tapes of FINAS. This report descrive functions and arrangements etc. of "RANGE" program. The main functions of "RANGE" are as follows. (1)extrapolation of stress and strain to surface (2)normalization and linearization of stress and strain (3)estimation of stress and strain range (decision of extreme stress/strain) (4)calculation of equivalent stress-strain (5)estimation of strain concentration factor (6)estimation of elastic follow-up parameters By using above functions, we can easily examine elastic, inelastic and thermal stress analysis results and attempt efficient works of advancement.



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