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Report No.

Wastage characteristics of high-chrome steel heat transfer tube; Intermediate leak wastage tests

Shimoyama, Kazuhito ; Hamada, Hirotsugu  ; Tanabe, Hiromi; Usami, Masayuki

A one-through unit type steam generator (SG) having the Mod.9Cr-1MO Steel for its heat transfer tube is considered to be promising for the development of large FBR SGs. Wastage data of the tube material was already obtained for the micro-/small leak region as formerly reported. Therefore, intermediate leak wastage tests were conducted in the range from 10 g/s to around 200 g/s by using the SWAT-1 test facility and the test results are summarized as follows: (1)The wastage resistivity of the Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel is between that of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel and austenitic stainless steel; namely, the Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel has about half the of wastage rate of the 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. An experimental wastage formula in the intermediate leak region was derived from the test data. (2)Almost all of the wastage profile of target tubes was toroidal type and it became about half the cross section area of the 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. An experimental formula on initial leak diameters versus equivalent secondary failure diameters was derived in the intermediate leak region. These test results would be applied to failure propagation analysis code LBAP which is to be used for the design of a one-through unit type SG.



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